Choose To Be Yourself. Always

Farwa Shahid
2 min readApr 8, 2021


We carry a burden of expectations, deliverance, and perfection without giving them reasons to be fulfilled. We let others build an image of how we should have been. And spend our lives chasing after it. But then comes a time when you realize you are much more than that. There comes a time when you want to break free from all that burden of the strive of becoming someone you are not meant to be. When you should look back at life and tell your past self that the failures you have made being the other you do not define you.

You are more than what is to be proved. You know you provide yourself with satisfaction in many ways that can never be understood by the people out there. You are an entire world within yourself that stands because of your consistent efforts. The efforts that no one else can see. Every good and evil has built its place in you. And it has been shaping this version of who you are.

You were going after the best every time and knew that this will always be an option. Maslow himself never achieved the concept of self-actualization. But knowing who you have become in the process and accepting that to be the current best is the real deal because you are no lesser than a hero. A hero you always have been.

