Importance of Reproductive Health Awareness in Young Women of Pakistan

Farwa Shahid
2 min readAug 13, 2020


The necessity of younger women having awareness about their reproductive health is an important point to be highlighted in countries like Pakistan. And how important it is for health to be a conscious decision for women from a younger age. White Ribbon Association of Pakistan states that healthier women lead to healthy families and healthier communities; and I cannot agree more. 810 women die every day due to complications in childbirth and pregnancies; and an inefficient health care system of Pakistan is not ready to provide adequate attention to that.

Young females being unaware of their bodies give others a window to do experiments, for example, some dayi and hakeem who would try all their todka’s and superstitious acts on them. The most common reason why this topic is not discussed is that it is forbidden for young girls in Pakistan to know more than they should before time and therefore are led to explore all the difficulties as they face them. Younger females in the families are not expected to ask questions related to their bodily changes and future roles, the concept of giving the “right answer at the right time” has become a norm.

This is the gap that I want to fill by stepping forward and sharing the knowledge of everyday personal hygiene and fitness to the women around us informally to make sure that they put their health before anything else and consider this as their contribution to the society. We must understand that it is not about saving every life on the planet, but to reach out within your circle and do little the of what you can. You can create wonderful impacts by saving one life from suffering.

