Farwa Shahid
3 min readJul 31, 2020

We all need something that ignites the potential within us and makes us feel connected to our realities. Something that keeps us going. This can be called the driving forces that charges us up for all the hard work. In order to achieve those, we plan short-term goals that take us closer to our road to success every day.

I also have driving forces that connect to my mission to be able to get into MBA with a scholarship that seemed a little too fictitious, but I had realized it soon that hard work is the biggest chunk of the pleasure after achievement in life. Now, for the MBA and to be able to ace my scholarship application and semesters, I needed to work on my general knowledge and IQ.

I believe that you should #juststart with the day to day goals and take baby steps towards the big picture that you see yourself in. So, I planned out my steps and wrote them down as daily tasks:

· Read 1000 words on day one from an easier book that I find at home.

· Increase 500 words to it every day.

· Be consistent with 10,000 words a day after day 17.

I knew that I had to read at least 3 books a month and for that I must improve my reading speed. I intended to do this by starting to read 1000 words day one from any book that I find at home and increase 500 words to it every day.

It was not my first time trying this short-term strategy, but I always planned on starting with the books that did not concern me; and I used to work hard to getting to the final step at day one only. Because of which, I used to read a lot some days and there were days when I would skip reading because I felt I had read enough the other day. My goals were not as specific with the word count and timings.

I started with this new strategy 5 days ago, and it is astonishing how I was able to achieve my goal consecutively for a week! I have come to know that I actually love to read. It gives me the sense of unplugging from the world and gives me the peace I require after a tiring day. I believe that you can achieve anything you set your mind to just like I achieved something that I had tried before but was unable to do to so because of improper guidelines.

Hard work does not come without challenges and it was not easy to find time for the goals I had set for myself but I scheduled the readings and set time to complete my task within that really helped me to stay focused.

I am eager to achieve all the tasks that I have listed and share it with you guys! I will be writing another blog sharing my story of achievement soon. Stay connected.