Let’s Recycle the Bin

Farwa Shahid
3 min readOct 6, 2020


Environmental awareness is an issue that is being talked about massively over the past few years. Ever since the changes in earth’s climate became visible, people are shifting their preference towards environmental friendly activities that can preserve nature; this idea is called environmentalism. The damage is an outcome caused by man-made activities. Which includes many examples like air/water pollution, inorganic waste products like plastic, deforestation.

We must not go far to see how these practices have become a part of our daily lives and how we all contribute to the harm caused every day. An idea can be taken by wondering how inorganic the waste produced in our house is and how negatively it can effect nature. Our focus is only to clean up around ourselves but we are unaware of the consequences this waste is going to create on our dear planet.

We at Amal Academy came up with a project where we plan to achieve an intended goal of impact and sustainability through nurturing the responsible citizens among us. Through this project, we would make sure that we amend a few daily habits which are exacerbating the damaging activities of the society, and think several times before we buy something that would create a harmful waste and try to utilize things in a better manner.

The considered goals were to be achieved by starting to identify the difference between organic and inorganic waste products. We planned how to distinguish between both of the waste products and then the collection phase came into process. After we had a clear idea about how we can foresee beauty in garbage, we explored how to recreate it into something special. Important point to remember was that the collection is from the waste that is already produced, either in the household or neighborhood.

After we had a good idea about how to collect, we entered our implementation phase. This is the phase where creating and selling would go back to back. We are creating wonderful objects from the waste and selling them for reasonable amounts to gain a sense of achievement and motivation to keep going further.

The best part that we want to emphasize through this project is that there is no need of any man force. Every individual is completely capable to do this on their own without any external help. Helping nature is that easy! We would just be utilizing the domestic waste and selling the by-product online. We have planned that the profits of this project would be going to welfare organizations to help those who are in need.


We exist on social media as #Oriartists to make sure that our purpose is executed to the world out there. Our mission is to run a social media campaign that shows how sincerely the products are made and the real purpose behind it; that is generating money for charity by creating products from what seems like waste to many.

It is not easy to convince people to buy from us since they do not opt for recycled products just because they are reused. Even if it looks as beautiful as new. The real challenge is to bring a change in the mindset so that every individual prefers what is sustainable. However, we are positive that we are looking forward to a better future for this world and ourselves. Just like they say — If you want change, make some!

