Where Fate Leads You

Farwa Shahid
3 min readOct 9, 2020


There are times when you lose hope for anything good coming your way. You feel like you have been taking the past experiences where you had the chance to grow, for granted. But your heart never stops telling you after every step you take that this might be the last misery that you are going through; and believe it or not, your heart knows when you have found that silver lining. Which in my case, was the Amal Career Prep Fellowship Program.

I joined Amal Academy in August 2020 for a three-month weekend fellowship course. But I have to say, that it was the best decision I have ever made. While signing in for the fellowship, I did not realize that it is going to leave such a strong imprint on my heart. Amal has shown me many different aspects of how to give away the maximum of my positivity, how to be kind and professional at the same time, and how situations can be perceived differently utilizing such little effort.

Back in August, I had been unemployed for six months after my graduation. I was actively searching for an opportunity but unfortunately, a very few firms had to offer employment, that too was not for fresh graduates like me. I opted for this program as a distraction to my depressive hunt. But before I knew, it became the reason that I was able to believe in myself again and regain my confidence in communication, analytical, and writing skills. That is when I started to apply to the right places with the right amount of passion.

The impact started from the very first week of the fellowship when we had to draw a life map that displayed the positives and negatives of our lives. We had to post it online on the batch where our fellow members were to give us feedback. I remember being very hesitant about writing the downsides of my past and trying to capture more of happiness. I even remember a few hitches of my life that I might not have shared on paper that day. I thought everyone must have all positives to share and why would anyone care about that bad that I have been through.

To my surprise, when I posted that map online, the response that I got was something I still cannot forget. The support that I got from the fellows and how I saw them going through the details of my post to know my journey, and making comments to let me know how they could relate with my struggle was too much to handle. Also, how they cherished what I had achieved till now made me feel as if they were accepting me despite my imperfections. That was when I felt like these people, and this new family that I have for the next three months is important. It was so overwhelming that I wondered if I could just go back in time and write my heart out for these people. That I made sure I did in all the project works ahead.

I have reached the last two weeks of this fellowship and I owe Amal my gratitude for providing me with an opportunity to explore the world inside me. And to be alongside such talented individuals who are now a part of my network is something I could never thank them enough for. Lastly, a big shout out to the team and our project managers who have been giving it their best to provide us with this unforgettable experience! I hope that they keep doing what they do best and be the reason behind many success stories.

